Board of Trustees
2023 - 2024

Read more about the reasons why these community members devote their time
to the work of preservation in the greater Portland region.

Bruce Roullard
Vice President: Carol De Tine
Secretary: Jane Hurd
Treasurer: Tom Dowd

Rachel Ambrose
Jane Briggs
William Hall
Alex Jaegerman
Anisa Khadraoui
Chloe Martin
Thomas McGuire
Aaron Morris
Robert Richardson
Brad Sprague
Jack Vreeland
Linda Whitten

Advisory Trustees

Nancy Montgomery
Sally Oldham
Pam Plumb
Susan Ruch
Mary Louise Sprague
Nate Stevens
Barbara Vestal

Jane Batzell
Victoria Bonebakker
Greg Boulos
Portia Clark
Malcolm Collins
Ed Gardner
John Knox
Stephen Kolkhorst